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Every Dollar Makes a Difference

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Your donation to the Juvenile Uplifting Mentor Program (JUMP) will directly support our work in helping at-risk youth in our community. With your help, we can provide critical mentoring and family support services to juvenile offenders, helping them to avoid future criminal activity and become productive members of society.

Contact Numbers :

Phone-no: +1 267-783-1301

Email address :

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Donors Wall of Fame

*Acknowledging Our Valuable Contributors*

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks and acknowledge some of the many valuable contributors who have supported the Juvenile Uplifting Mentoring Program (JUMP). Their generosity, whether in financial support, physical donations, or the dedication of their time, space, and property, has been instrumental in helping us complete our mission.
These supporters have shown a remarkable commitment to rebuilding our community, one brick at a time. While some donors wish to remain anonymous, we want to thank them all here. No contribution is too small, and each act of kindness has helped us lay the foundation for our success.


Philadelphia School Board
Delaware County Community Support Program
Big Beauty Rockyn Everywear, LLC
Unity Lactation & Collaborative
Grandma’s Hands
Short-Time Cleaning
Dade Kennels
Professional Sound Studios
Under Construction Inc.
Empire Credit Care LLC
Angel Care Works LLC

Individual Donors

Hanif Abdullah
Kenneth Jason Sr.
Chaynj Jason
Carolyn Jackson
Donte McCorey
Jamal Devine
Mikal Hammond
Chuck Hammond
Daisy Dalena
Tamica Dewitt
Darnell & Bryonna Jason
Shaquona Short
Daquaisia Short
Tamika Tate
Angelique Harvey
Chasity Carver
Malea Heard
Samiyah Little
Lakeea McCorey
Kenneth Jason Jr
Al-Tamar Jason
Al-Kabeer Jason
Lisa & Damir Hall
Daniel Dade
Desmond (Dez)
Farkadeen Lee
Denise Williams
Dontay Cleveland
Shika Little
Itachi (Chicago)
Bashiirah Gosley
Muniyra W.
Nikki Dollison
Marcellus Turner
Khalil and His Wife
Tymir Heard
Randall Dauber
Dashawn Mitchell
Jamil Peterson
Daquaisia Short
Tamika Tate
Angelique Harvey
Chasity Carver

Anonymous Donors

To all our anonymous supporters, your contributions, though unnamed, are deeply appreciated and have made a significant impact.
These supporters have shown a remarkable commitment to rebuilding our community, one brick at a time. While some donors wish to remain anonymous, we want to thank them all here. No contribution is too small, and each act of kindness has helped us lay the foundation for our success.

Our Commitment:

With the support of these amazing individuals and organizations, we can provide comprehensive support and mentoring services to juvenile offenders and their families. We are committed to continuing our work to uplift our youth and strengthen our communities.

Join Us:

Your involvement can help us continue to make a difference. Whether through volunteering, donating, or simply spreading the word, every bit of support helps us move closer to our goal of a stronger, more supportive community for all.
Thank you for believing in our mission and for helping us build a brighter future.


Grandma’s Hands & Empire Credit Care LLC

Wanda Hammond & Mikal Hammond
Certified Credit Repair Specialists

  • Provided extensive Repair services to several board members for free.
  • Provides discount credit repair services for our program participants and employees/volunteers.
  • As owner of Grandmas Hands (5013C), Wanda guides nonprofit organizations and how to support their initiatives.
  • Provides assistance in fundraising events in Philadelphia/Delaware Counties.
  • Volunteers as our head caseworker in the Philadelphia area.
  • Volunteers to go to court to support the juvenile and their families in Philadelphia.

We want to thank you both for all your generosity. We could not have done anything with you offering credit repair services absolutely free, Mikal Hammond we can’t thank you enough for that. Wanda Hammond when you taught us credit management and credit responsibility and worthiness, we were able to rebuild our credit and build the credit of our businesses simultaneously and all your hard work did not go unnoticed.

Thank you for using Grandma’s hands as a blueprint to show us how to get JUMP started. We appreciate you for continuing to make a difference in the lives of the youth and families in our communities.

Unity Lactation & Collaborative

Rebecca Leese, RN, IBCLC

  • Donated Office Space for JUMP.
  • Created & Provided Uniforms for Employees.
  • Provided a safe space for JUMP to host community meetings and events at no cost.
  • Collaborated on Several Projects helping strengthen young women in Lycoming/Clinton/Union Counties.

We sincerely appreciate Rebecca Leese for everything she has done and continues to do to support our mission. 


Dashawn Mitchell

  • One of JUMP’s biggest promoters and supporters in private and public.
  • Motivator and inspiration for us to continue to push forward in all the faces of adversity.

We truly Appreciate Dashawn Mitchell for encouraging us to start this nonprofit and never give up on our goals to help others even if we feel like no one is listening. Thank you for everything you do for our community, and our small local businesses, and we wish you all the success in this world and the next!


Sultan “SupaDupa/100MILL” Jason (CEO)

  • Provided JUMP with tools for economic and financial growth during startup.
  • Provided Grant Writing Resources.
  • Donated laptops and tablets for online mentor training classes.
  • Provided social media network support.
  • Always jumped up to answer our early morning/late night calls seeking advice or direction.
  • Free promotion for our fundraisers and community events in Dauphin County.

Special acknowledgment goes out to SupaDupa for always supporting our goals. We appreciate the countless hours he councilors us on marketing and financial matters. We are grateful for all your assistance, and we continue to look forward to collaborating with you in the future to show our children their future can be whatever they make it! Your assistance to JUMP makes a difference.

Hydia Allen (Volunteer/Assistant Formulator)

  • Spent countless hours volunteering.
  • Donated her time to create fundraising products.
  • Continuously checked in to offer her support.

We want to send a big thank you to Hydia Allen. You are appreciated. Thanks for showing up consistently to help us keep funding our initiatives. We appreciate you working until the sun came up on several occasions for free and never complaining or asking for anything in return. We are grateful for all your selfless contributions, including spending your time, providing free labor, and loads or laughs and love. We thank you for everything you’ve done in public and in private to make this program a success.